Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Silverlight Cream for January 11, 2011 -- #1024

1,000 blogposts is quite a few, but to die-hard geeks, 1000 isn't the number... 1K is the number, and today is my 1K blogpost!

I've been working up to this for at least 11 months. Way back at MIX10, I approached some vendors about an idea I had. A month ago I contacted them and others, and everyone I contacted was very generous and supportive of my idea.

My idea was not to run a contest, but blog as normal, and whoever ended up on my 1K post would get some swag... and I set a cut-off at 13 posts.

So... blogging normally, I had some submittals, and then ran my normal process to pick up the next posts until I hit a total of 13.

To provide a distribution channel for the swag, everyone on the list, please send me your snail mail (T-shirts) and email (licenses) addresses as soon as possible.

I'd like to thank the following generous sponsors for their contributions to my fun (in alphabetic order):

and Rachel Hawley for contributing 4 Silverlight control sets
First Floor Software and Koen Zwikstra for contributing 13 licenses for Silverlight Spy
and Sara Faatz/Jason Beres for contributing 13 licenses for Silverlight Data Visualization controls
and Svetla Stoycheva for contributing T-Shirts for everyone on the post
and Ina Tontcheva for contributing 13 licenses for RadControls for Silverlight + RadControls for Windows Phone
and Charlene Kozlan for contributing 1 combopack standard, 2 DataGrid for Silverlight, and 2 Listbox for Silverlight Standard

And now finally...in this Issue:

Nigel Sampson, Jeremy Likness, Dan Wahlin, Kunal Chowdhurry, Alex Knight, Wei-Meng Lee, Michael Crump, Jesse Liberty, Peter Kuhn, Michael Washington, Tau Sick, Max Paulousky, Damian Schenkelman

Above the Fold:

Silverlight: 'Demystifying Silverlight Dependency Properties'

Dan Wahlin
WP7: 'Using Windows Phone Gestures as Triggers'

Nigel Sampson
Expression Blend: 'PathListBox: making data look cool'

Alex Knight

From SilverlightCream.com:

Using Windows Phone Gestures as Triggers

Nigel Sampson blogged about WP7 Gestures, the Toolkit, and using Gestures as Triggers, and actually makes it looks simple :)

Jounce Part 9: Static and Dynamic Module Management

Jeremy Likness has episode 9 of his explanation of his MVVM framework, Jounce, up... and a big discussion of Modules and Module Management from a Jounce perspective.

Demystifying Silverlight Dependency Properties

Dan Wahlin takes a page from one of his teaching opportunities, and shares his knowledge of Dependency Properties with us... beginning with what they are, defining them in code, and demonstrating their use.

Customizing Silverlight ChildWindow Style using Blend

Kunal Chowdhurry has a great post up about getting your Child Windows to match the look & feel of the rest of youra app... plus a bunch of Blend goodness thrown in.

PathListBox: making data look cool

File this post by Alex Knight in the 'holy crap' file along with the others in this series! ... just check out that cool Ticker Style Path ListBox at the top of the blog... too cool!

Web Access in Windows Phone 7 Apps

Wei-Meng Lee has the 3rd part of his series on WP7 development up and in this one is discussing Web Access... I mean *discussing* it... tons of detail, code, and explanation... great post.

Prevent your Silverlight XAP file from caching in your browser.

Michael Crump helps relieve stress on Silverlight developers everywhere by exploring how to avoid caching of your XAP in the browser...

(WPFS) MVVM Light Toolkit: Soup To Nuts Part I

Jesse Liberty continues his Windows Phone from Scratch series with a new segment exploring Laurent Bugnion's MVVMLight Toolkit beginning with acquiring and installing the toolkit, then proceeds to discuss linking the View and ViewModel, the ViewModel Locator, and page navigation.

Silverlight: Making a DateTimePicker

Peter Kuhn attacks a problem that crops up on the forums a lot -- a DateTimePicker control for Silverlight... following the 'It's so simple to build one yourself' advice, he did so, and provides the code for all of us!

Windows Phone 7 Animated Button Press

Michael Washington took exception to button presses that gave no visual feedback and produced a behavior that does just that.

Using TweetSharp in a Windows Phone 7 app

Tau Sick demonstrates using TweetSharp to put a twitter feed into a WP7 app, as he did in 'Hangover Helper'... all the instructions from getting Tweeetshaprt to the code necessary.

Bindable Application Bar Extensions for Windows Phone 7

Max Paulousky has a post discussing some real extensions to the ApplicationBar for WP7.. he begins with a bindable application bar by Nicolas Humann that I've missed, probably because his blog is in French... and extends it to allow using DelegateCommand.

How to: Load Prism modules packaged in a separate XAP file in an OOB application

Damian Schenkelman posts about Prism, AppModules in separate XAPs and running OOB... if you've tried this, you know it's a hassle.. Damian has the solution.

Stay in the 'Light!

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