Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

How I Do

From Walkenbach and Doctorow.

Desktop: HP HPE-150f, i7 860@2.80, 8G RAM, Win7 64bit, Dual 22″ Acer monitors. I used to be strictly a laptop guy, but when the D810 died, I decided to go for a desktop. I’m happy I did. It’s quite a bit faster for the money.

Laptop: ASUS R1F Convertible tablet, T2700@2.00, 2G RAM, Win7 32 bit. They don’t make Win7 drivers so not all the doodads work. For instance, I have to rotate the screen via software, but it’s better than using Vista.

Keyboard: Microsoft Wireless Multimedia Keyboard 1.1

File Sharing: Dropbox. I can’t tell you how useful this is. Wait, yes I can. Very useful.

Backup: Mozy. Offsite, daily backups. About $200 bucks every two years for 18.2G from my computer and 24G from wifey’s computer. What the hell does she have on there anyway? Photos, I’ll bet.

Phone: iPhone 4. I switched a few months ago. AT&T service sucks in my area, but I can survive for the 22 minutes of phone calls I make per month. This thing is a great computer that also sometimes makes phone calls.

Scanner: CanoScan LiDE 35 using LiDE60 drivers so it works on Win7-64.

Printer: HP LasterJet 1200

Storage: I have a 200G Maxtor. I used to have two, but its brother died. This one too shall die soon. I really don’t need it with Mozy, but I’ll probably get another one when this one goes.

Email: Gmail. I still have MS Outlook for programming/testing purposes, but I don’t use it. It opens every Sunday morning and downloads everything from Gmail, so I have a backup.

Calendar: Google Apps

RSS: Google Reader

Search: Google, but I’ve been reading about alternatives because I’m sick of the whole first page being crap sites. I started using Blekko recently - better on some things, not on others.

Newsgroups: I don’t read nntp much anymore, but I use Agent as my newsreader and an NNTP bridge to convert MSDN web fora to nntp.

Browser: Firefox. Chrome is not customizable enough for me.

Music: iPhone 4 and ITunes. I would love to eschew iTunes, but there’s simply nothing better for podcasts. Podcasts to which I subscribe include Marketplace Tech Report, Cincinnati Bengals Audio Minutes, Coffee Break Spanish, College Football Podcast, Jordan Jesee GO!, Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day, Methods in Excel, Motley Fool Money, Car Talk, Fresh Air, Science Friday, You Look Nice Today, and 37signals. For the car, I use a Griffin iTrip FM transmitter hooked up to the iPhone.

Radio: Pandora. Yet another service I pay money for in a world where everything seems like it’s free.

eBooks: Dead trees.

Todo lists: Goodtodo

Note taking: Evernote. Every crazy idea I have goes here. It’s fun to go back and read what I thought was a good idea a few months ago.

Screen capture: SnagIt

Blog: WordPress

Text Editor: Notepad++

Bookmarks: Delicious. I heard they’re going out of business so I signed up for pinboard.in, but I haven’t used it yet. I need a good Firefox Addon for it, and there isn’t one yet.

FTP: Filezilla

Code: VBA goes in the VBE. Ruby goes in Intype. I’m very impressed with that as a code editor. HTML and CSS go in AlleyCode out of habit.

Compression: JustZipIt. I love programs with fewer options (except browsers apparently).

PDF: CutePDF for printing, FoxIt for reading, and PDFCreator for VBA stuff.

Graphics: IrfanView

File Copy: SynchronizeIt


Office: MS Office 2003 and 2007.

GPS: Garmin Approach GS - got it for xmas, so no commentary yet.

I used this program called ExamDiff recently. I started updating code in the wrong version of the spreadsheet and I needed to figure out the differences. I exported the modules, loaded them in ExamDiff, and it saved the day. Nice program, that.

Most used iPhone Apps: Gmail, Dropbox, Evernote, Netflix, Google Reader, and Cribbage Lite.

As for wish lists, I’d like to get an iPad. I really don’t have a use for it, so I haven’t pulled the trigger. I’d also like a scanner with a document feeder, but for the 10 pages a year I scan, it’s probably not worth it. I wish my car had an iPhone dock, but I’m allergic to car payments, so that one will have to wait. I’d like to get a golf simulator for my house, but then I’d need to get a house with 15 foot ceilings. I haven’t had great luck with robots, but I think I’ll be trying the new Scooba 230. If cleaning the bathroom isn’t the worst job, I can’t imagine what is.

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