Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Screencast #37: Java EE 6 with NetBeans and GlassFish - Webinar Replay and Q&A

The replay of Java EE 6 with NetBeans and GlassFish webinar is now available:

This video can also be seen in full screen HD mode.

The complete source code built during this webinar can be downloaded here.

And here is a transcript of Q&A session from the webinar:

Q. How can I using NetBeans generate an entity class with SequenceGenerator annotation for a PostGreSQL table?
A. If you use NetBeans to generate entities from database, it should do the right thing, based on the SQL types of your DB columns. If not, please file a bug report against NetBeans. Thanks.

Q. Do I need to have a good idea in Java EE 6 to attend this conference ?
A. I would help a bit, but NetBeans is doing a great job at helping discovering Java EE 6 with GlassFish

Q. Is there a EOL for GlassFish?
A. There is no EOL for GlassFish as a product. As the reference implementation for Java EE, GlassFish is a strategic product for Oracle. As with any software product, specific versions of GlassFish will EOL over time, as newer releases come out. For example, Oracle GlassFish Server 2.x will be supported until 2014, and we are working now on releasing GlassFish Server 3.1 in the near future.

Q. What is the link to file a bug report for NetBeans IDE?
A. This should help:

Q. Can we you eclipse instead of netBeans?
A. Yes. The GlassFish Eclipse Plugin is available. Screencast #36 shows how to use Eclipse for Java EE 6 development and deployment with GlassFish.

Q. I would love to see a GF 3.0.2 fixing the known memory leaks. Any plans on that, or will it be GF 3.1? (And when?)
A. Fixes for GlassFish Server 3.0.1 will be available either through a support contract (patch), or you can always publish an issue on issuetracker at, and it will get addressed in the trunk (and 3.1 releases).

Q. Hi, My name is Andrew. i'd like to know all the possible ways to pass values between different JSF pages.and the value which need to be passed is dynamic. A. The easiest way is to use the new Flash scope in JSF 2.0. Failing that you can put it in session and remove it. You could also use @ConversationScoped from CDI.

Q. Why we have no glassfish rpm packets even for Oracle Enterprice Linux?
A. We have to support many Unix/Linux variant so we provide one shell script for all flavors including OS X. In the next release we provide topology creation in the installer which make a RPM less viable. Zip installs are also available.

Q. can you repeat? what blog?
A. The blog we mentioned is hosted by Arun Gupta, - and a link to all webinar content will always be available at

Q. How do we do junit without depending on Glassfish server. I want my junit to be totally independent of runtime.
A. If you want to test EJB and CDI code, you will need the embeddable container, which is server-specific. If you want to only test utility classes or JPA, this can be server-independent.

Q. is there any online classes on Java EE6 with Netbeans and GlassFish?
A. This is a great starting page: See for example the 5-part video screencast.

Q. it is possible.. they dont have any support
A. If you are asking about support for the products, yes - support is available from Oracle for GlassFish server, and for Netbeans you can go to You can also obtain incident support for Netbeans from Oracle at If you would like more information, please email

Q. What kind of support is NetBeans providing for REST frameworks like Spring-RS?
A. NetBeans has a very good and extensive REST support for JerSey (The reference implementation of JAX-RS) and GlassFish 3 which contains JerSey. For Sprin-RS you would need to regsiter as an external library... I am not sure how well it is tested with GlassFish, since there is no need to use a external RS implementation when one is provided in the Java EE 6 runtime

Q. I feel like this is just a heavy adaptation of the Ruby on Rails scaffolding capability, don't you think ?
A. Yes, Rails definitely had a good influence on Java server-side development. Many good things in Java are inspired by Rails.

Q. where i can download Netbeans ?

Q. What is the difference between singleton EJB and an EJB with maxbeans-in pool=initialbeans-inpool=1 ?
A. A quick answer is that the @Singleton annotation is defined by the Java EE 6 specification, is much more readable by developers, and less error-prone than editing container configuration (or other historical workarounds such as static fields). You can also ask at the GlassFish users forum at

Q. My Netbeans 6.9.1 does not have Servers or Glassfish on the Services tab, do I need Netbeans 7 to bring up Servers?
A. Which edition of NetBeans do you have? If you have "all-in-one", then the Java EE development features may not be activated. When you start creating a web project, these features will be activated and you will see Servers. You need "Java" or "all-in-one" edition.

Q. What is the Oracle strategy to move forward with NETBEANS and Jdeveloper?
A. Both will continue as supported IDEs at Oracle. Jdeveloper is usually for ADF development and other Fusion development. NetBeans is great for cutting edge Java SE/EE/FX/ME development. Large teams continue to work on both products. They are both swing based IDE tools -- JDeveloper may start to incorporate select netbeans features in the future.

Q. I understand netbeans IDE, but what is the benefit of glassfish?
A. GlassFish offers a lightweight, modular Java EE 6 runtime. It offers rapid development features such as saving HTTP session state on redeploy.

Q. What make me move to glassfish since there's lot IDE tools ?
A. GlassFish offers a lightweight, modular, and productive runtime for Java EE 6.

Thank you every body for attending the webinar!

The complete list of webinars (replay and upcoming ones) is listed at

Technorati: conf webinar javaee6 glassfish netbeans

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