This entry is in response to a comment from my previous post, asking how to localize Solaris 10. Most of everything you need is in the localeadm man page, but I'll walk through the steps here.
Step 1: Get the Solaris 10 DVD.
If you installed from the DVD, then you should already have it. However, if you started with the Solaris 10 virtual machine, then you'll need to also download the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 Full DVD Image (zip), which contains the locales.
Step 2: Mount the DVD.
In the case of VirtualBox, with Solaris 10 running, from the VirtualBox menu select Devices > CD / DVD Devices > Choose a virtual CD / DVD disk file...
And select the Solaris 10 ISO, sol-10-u9-ga-x86-dvd.iso, in my case. This action will mount the ISO at /cdrom/sol_10_910_x86.
Step 3: View the Available Locales
The available locales are listed by region:
# localeadm -l -d /cdrom/sol_10_910_x86
Checking for installed packages. This could take a while.
Checking for Australasia region (aua) (c_solaris packages) |...|
All packages found.
Checking for Australasia region (aua) (solaris1 packages) |............|
Japanese (ja)
Korean (korean)
Simplified Chinese (china)
Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) (hongkong)
Traditional Chinese (taiwan)
Thai (th_th)
India (india)
South East Asia (sea) [ Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore ]
Southern Africa (saf) [ South Africa ]
Step 4: Install the Locale
Once you find the region / locale you want to install, you will pass the value in parentheses to the localeadm command. I'm going to install Simplified Chinese (china) as follows:
# localeadm -a china -d /cdrom/sol_10_910_x86 Log file is /var/sadm/install/logs/localeadmin_install.2011-01-21
locale/region name is china Adding packages for Simplified Chinese (china)
Region china will be installed.
The following regions are installed on unknown on Fri Jan 21 12:30:15 EST 2011
Simplified Chinese (china)
One or more locales have been added. To update the list of locales available at the login screen's "Options->Language" menu, please restart the dtlogin daemon (WARNING: this will terminate any active dtlogin sessions)
Please log out and login again to use the new locale(s) at your desktop. If you are not intending to use the new locale(s) with the GUI desktop, you can start using the new locale(s) immediately by setting the LC_* environment variables
Step 5: Eject the DVD & Reboot
I have found that the machine needs to be rebooted for the new locale to be recognized by the login screen. Before rebooting, eject the DVD, otherwise, the VM will boot from the DVD. The DVD can be ejected by deselecting it under the Devices menu (just like we added it).
# reboot
Step 6: Select the New Language
When the Login Screen appears again, select Options > Language, to get to the Select a language screen:
The complete source code built during this webinar can be downloaded here.
And here is a transcript of Q&A session from the webinar:
Q. How can I using NetBeans generate an entity class with SequenceGenerator annotation for a PostGreSQL table? A. If you use NetBeans to generate entities from database, it should do the right thing, based on the SQL types of your DB columns. If not, please file a bug report against NetBeans. Thanks.
Q. Do I need to have a good idea in Java EE 6 to attend this conference ? A. I would help a bit, but NetBeans is doing a great job at helping discovering Java EE 6 with GlassFish
Q. Is there a EOL for GlassFish? A. There is no EOL for GlassFish as a product. As the reference implementation for Java EE, GlassFish is a strategic product for Oracle. As with any software product, specific versions of GlassFish will EOL over time, as newer releases come out. For example, Oracle GlassFish Server 2.x will be supported until 2014, and we are working now on releasing GlassFish Server 3.1 in the near future.
Q. What is the link to file a bug report for NetBeans IDE? A. This should help:
Q. Can we you eclipse instead of netBeans? A. Yes. The GlassFish Eclipse Plugin is available. Screencast #36 shows how to use Eclipse for Java EE 6 development and deployment with GlassFish.
Q. I would love to see a GF 3.0.2 fixing the known memory leaks. Any plans on that, or will it be GF 3.1? (And when?) A. Fixes for GlassFish Server 3.0.1 will be available either through a support contract (patch), or you can always publish an issue on issuetracker at, and it will get addressed in the trunk (and 3.1 releases).
Q. Hi, My name is Andrew. i'd like to know all the possible ways to pass values between different JSF pages.and the value which need to be passed is dynamic. A. The easiest way is to use the new Flash scope in JSF 2.0. Failing that you can put it in session and remove it. You could also use @ConversationScoped from CDI.
Q. Why we have no glassfish rpm packets even for Oracle Enterprice Linux? A. We have to support many Unix/Linux variant so we provide one shell script for all flavors including OS X. In the next release we provide topology creation in the installer which make a RPM less viable. Zip installs are also available.
Q. can you repeat? what blog? A. The blog we mentioned is hosted by Arun Gupta, - and a link to all webinar content will always be available at
Q. How do we do junit without depending on Glassfish server. I want my junit to be totally independent of runtime. A. If you want to test EJB and CDI code, you will need the embeddable container, which is server-specific. If you want to only test utility classes or JPA, this can be server-independent.
Q. is there any online classes on Java EE6 with Netbeans and GlassFish? A. This is a great starting page: See for example the 5-part video screencast.
Q. it is possible.. they dont have any support A. If you are asking about support for the products, yes - support is available from Oracle for GlassFish server, and for Netbeans you can go to You can also obtain incident support for Netbeans from Oracle at If you would like more information, please email
Q. What kind of support is NetBeans providing for REST frameworks like Spring-RS? A. NetBeans has a very good and extensive REST support for JerSey (The reference implementation of JAX-RS) and GlassFish 3 which contains JerSey. For Sprin-RS you would need to regsiter as an external library... I am not sure how well it is tested with GlassFish, since there is no need to use a external RS implementation when one is provided in the Java EE 6 runtime
Q. I feel like this is just a heavy adaptation of the Ruby on Rails scaffolding capability, don't you think ? A. Yes, Rails definitely had a good influence on Java server-side development. Many good things in Java are inspired by Rails.
Q. where i can download Netbeans ? A.
Q. What is the difference between singleton EJB and an EJB with maxbeans-in pool=initialbeans-inpool=1 ? A. A quick answer is that the @Singleton annotation is defined by the Java EE 6 specification, is much more readable by developers, and less error-prone than editing container configuration (or other historical workarounds such as static fields). You can also ask at the GlassFish users forum at
Q. My Netbeans 6.9.1 does not have Servers or Glassfish on the Services tab, do I need Netbeans 7 to bring up Servers? A. Which edition of NetBeans do you have? If you have "all-in-one", then the Java EE development features may not be activated. When you start creating a web project, these features will be activated and you will see Servers. You need "Java" or "all-in-one" edition.
Q. What is the Oracle strategy to move forward with NETBEANS and Jdeveloper? A. Both will continue as supported IDEs at Oracle. Jdeveloper is usually for ADF development and other Fusion development. NetBeans is great for cutting edge Java SE/EE/FX/ME development. Large teams continue to work on both products. They are both swing based IDE tools -- JDeveloper may start to incorporate select netbeans features in the future.
Q. I understand netbeans IDE, but what is the benefit of glassfish? A. GlassFish offers a lightweight, modular Java EE 6 runtime. It offers rapid development features such as saving HTTP session state on redeploy.
Q. What make me move to glassfish since there's lot IDE tools ? A. GlassFish offers a lightweight, modular, and productive runtime for Java EE 6.
Thank you every body for attending the webinar!
The complete list of webinars (replay and upcoming ones) is listed at
Still looking to for Communications Suite legacy documentation and information? As of last week, this documentation has been migrated to the Oracle Documentation site. But of course, information on the Comms Wiki is still in place and continues to be the site for new documentation.
Unfortunately, you currently need to know the direct link to find this legacy documentation. We are in the process of correcting this situation. In the meantime, use the following table to get the direct link to the legacy documentation that you are looking for.
Good. I ran around a lot and lost track of time. It would have been more fun if it wasn’t for the rain. I’m doing this new project where I’m looking for twelve artists to provide blank guitars for them to design or re-create. And the theme of each piece would be the title of one of my songs. I haven’t been on tour for the last two months, which is rare, and I’m a bit of a workaholic so I’m keeping busy. Otherwise I go stir-crazy.
Do you enjoy touring?
I’m very used to it. There are a lot of places that I know extremely well. Like if I were to visit Sydney, Australia, I’d feel very comfortable there. I’m very comfortable in many many cities.
You’re originally from Atlanta, but New York is now your home. Do you ever miss the South?
Yes. My mom and dad and uncle and sister all live in Atlanta. I have relatives in Texas. I do try to visit as much as possible. It’s wonderful that all my family is there and I get to go there and chill out. It’s very peaceful. I have a very strong tie – not necessarily to the South – but to nature.
How much of the South is in your music?
I definitely will say that being in the vicinity gave me a lot more access to bluegrass music. Bluegrass is not a clear influence. But you have to play bluegrass music at a very high level of skill. Anything involved with taking things to a higher level of skill really interests me.
A lot of people have characterized your music as “percussive.” In fact, you started off wanting to play drums. Does it make sense to say that percussion has a lot of influence on your style?
Yes it does, and not only “percussion,” but the independence between the hands that you learn as a drummer helped me become a much more creative guitar player.
You started off as a solo musician, but now you collaborate with a full band. What was it like making the transition, in both writing and playing?
The writing remains the same. I write almost every single part of my songs, even the actual drum parts sometimes, whether they be simple or layered with many different instruments. The great thing about havinga band for the first time was that I didn’t have to work as hard onstage at making all of these different sounds myself. I could just sit back and let the band play the parts I had written.
Do you have a typical music writing process?
Right now I’m at the very beginning of the new writing process for a new album. The process changes for every record, every song. For my first two records, there was an intimacy between me and the songs because I hung out with them so much. You have less time the busier you get. At this point, after putting out an album, I have to re-learn the songs that I’ve written.
In the past, most of what I’ve written, I’ve written during times of pain or loneliness, and the music is therapy. Things change when you get older. I’ve followed the lives of great musicians and have learned that you don’t have to always write in pain. You have all of your past experiences, feelings, and thoughts that you can turn on when you need them and turn off when you don’t. Right now I feel a bit older and wiser and I don’t need to go out and create a painful or sad situation or feel estranged from the universe.
Also, all experiences are relevant to making art or music. Right now I’m learning the piano. I’m not going to become a piano player, but I do know that in some way it will open up my world and give me inspiration for my music.
I remember so much about TED. I still have friends I’ve met at TED. It’s interesting because leading up to the conference, I was completely unprepared. My record [Dreaming of Revenge] was released just 10 days after TED so I had been doing all sorts of promo work. But once I got there, I was looking at the speaker program and it was like, “Oh wow, this is going to be incredible.”
I was just in Nashville to perform for The Climate Project. When Al Gore introduced me, he mentioned that he had seen me at the TED Conference last year. I was surprised and happy that he remembered me.
Did you know about TED before you were invited to perform? What made you accept the invitation?
I’d known about TED Talks because I had seen them online. Just knowing that it’s a place where you can go and have your mind opened by the brightest minds working, calculating, and discovering – it would have been foolish not to accept.
We were talking in the office about all the great statements you made onstage…..
I had to come up with something because my session included Peter Ward, John Hodgman, and that woman who spoke about dark matter and I thought, “I gotta put this somehow together” because otherwise I just get up there and play and people will be like, “There’s a dumb musician.”
You mentioned onstage that people like to comment on your height. Does that annoy you?
Ha, not really. I am quite short but that never comes across when I’m onstage in front of people. When I get offstage and greet an audience afterwards their first reaction is to comment on my height because it seems like a very drastic difference.