Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

RIA Services and Authentication

Authentication is the third in a series of posts covering the key concepts of RIA Services using the Book Club application to digger deeper and go beyond the basics. Links to the first two posts on validation and authorization as well as an overview of the application/source code are at the end of this post.

Authentication Overview

Like authorization, RIA Services provides a higher level programming model, and out-of-the-box, but extensible solution. Authentication answers the question:

"Do these credentials represent a valid user?"

Credentials might be user name and password, or any other piece of data that can be used to verify that the user is who he/she says they are. Generally, a side-effect of authentication is to produce a representation of the user, usually represented as an IPrincipal, as well as establishing an authenticated session for the client to use in making subsequent requests.

RIA Service defines an authentication service as a domain service that implements IAuthetication<TUser> where TUser is application's notion of a user that brings together identity, roles and settings that span across client and server.

RIA Services also provides an out-of-box implementation based on the standard asp.net membership, roles and profile infrastructure services. If you use the business application template, this is all setup for you by default. However RIA Services also lets you implement your own authentication service when you want to use your own custom credential store, or a different authentication mechanism such as OpenID.

This post covers using authentication and the User object on client and server, as well as building a custom forms authentication service that works against the application's data model.

Using Authentication on the Client

Login Control
I created an inplace-LoginControl with a number of visual states (Unauthenticated, CredentialInput, Authenticating and Authenticated) as shown here.

Authentication functionality is accessed through a class called WebContext on the client. WebContext represents the functionality provided by the home web server to the client application. This is how WebContext is initialized in the application:

[Full post continued here...]

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